Labels: text | screenshot | font OCR: WELCOME TO THE TWENTYNINETH N.2. AMIGA USERS GROUP NEWSDISK, FEBRUARY 1990 This is a two disk edition, once again with a graphics theme (like #24) . This is a bootable Workbench disk- things will work best if you boot from it. Textfiles are displayed by a tool called Ty. Hit the HELP key for help. Scroll through the text using the arrow keys, or use the mouse to scroll by clicking on the screen or the arrow gadgets. Step through a sequence of files by using extended selection (hold down SHIFT as you select multiple files) and double click on the last icon. You then use Ty's N(ext) and P(revious) commands to step through the files. Many of the gadgets have different left and right mouse button functions (like dpaint). To exit, hit ESC or the close gadget. Pictures are displayed by various programs, hitting ESC will generally exit you back to Workbench. In general, to exit from wayward programs which don't have a close gadget or quit/exit menu options, try hitting ESC, or Q, try clicking where the close gadget should be, or double clicking the left or right mouse buttons. This disk may be distributed freely, but not for profit (NZAmigaUG NZ$2.20) All files may be redistributed as long as no restriction is placed on their further redistribution. Hit ESC or CLOSEGADGET to EXIT